Check out all the features available in this product:
Plane ESP
Tank ESP
Bomb ESP
Bounding box
Vehicle name
Show missiles
Ignore spotted
Ignore team
Render distance
AIM key
AIM radius
AIM precision
Moving adjustment
Prediction (Tanks, planes, etc)
Prediction spot
HUD AIM Prediction
Show gun ballistics
Ship indicator
Gunner cam from sight
Hide overlay key
Save cpu
Sean Felix –
Bought for 7 days to try it out and everything worked great, bought another 30 days just now. Only thing I would like different is if the ESP didn’t disappear randomly but that could be an issue on my end.
Vatan Zuka –
Very nice system
Aimbot is very accuraty
ESP disappears sometimes tho
Overall very solid
Marco S. –
It need multiplier zoom on target, explanation on settings and enlargement of menu settings.
pijus kazlauskas –
Rocket and bomb ESP doesn’t seem to work at all, everything else is mint
Anonymous –
kasperskykim1 –
Works great with tanks but for planes its pretty useless besides the esp aspect.